Gripe Night

Gripe Night


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GRIPENIGHT is the latest collection of comics written and drawn by Paul B. Rainey, Viz Comic cartoonist, and winner of the Jonathan Cape/Observer Newspaper/Comica Short Story Prize."

I have been secretly working away on GRIPE NIGHT for over a year and the majority of its content has not been seen elsewhere before. Strips include….

Similar To But Not! The winner of the Jonathan Cape/Observer Newspaper/Comica Short Story Prize in 2019. Presented in Gripe Night as God intended for the first time!

Unseen episodes of Ricky Gervais: He Talks To The Animals!

Unbelievable but true stories from the artist’s memoirs including William, It Was Everything, Boom Boom Push The Button and introducing Aunty Bunty!

PLUS… Wicksy Goes Berserk! The Paul Willyhood Story! The Draw! And much more!

GRIPENIGHT is 28 pages long, features a mix of black and white and colour strips, A4 sized magazine.

The first rule of GRIPE NIGHT is that you tell everybody about GRIPE NIGHT.

"“I’ve read Rainey’s work for decades now – and it would be fair to say that he’s never written or drawn better”. Richard Bruton for https://www.comicon.com/2022/02/16/review-the-wonderful-absurdity-of-paul-raineys-gripe-night/

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